/* Editor is LUM MI-FERN --- My Grotesque Caricature*/

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Movies, anyone?


This will transform a cartoon-detester into a cartoon-lover!!! You can kiss your ice goodbye after this show as you can’t stop your serotonins flow. If you like ugly cartoons, this is one of those. Ugly but damn funny! Give it a try..worth your $$$ after all with all cool graphics and let it become the joke of the day to lighten up yourself :D

I became \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ after a bad day..


Real bored at the beginning because I’d gone ‘huh???’ all the while plus all the phone disturbances. But in the end, the story brought thrills and lessons. Additional to it, recommended for couples in love because…well…you’ll know. Hehe. If you are a BIG FAN of Josh Hartnett (means you are on my side), it’s something you can’t miss! And Bruce Willis is amazing, best actor ever! He gives me the bad-daddy image with a whole lot of mafia-stylo.

Btw, really had a crazy afternoon show (following the trend of Malaccans to watch movies in the noon -.-“) and surprisingly, really a lot of viewers!!!! Had a crazy decision and crazy journey there too…


My housemate is currently testing her styling skills on me RIGHT NOW. OUCH…as if my scalp’s gonna come off all in one..... but worth it all for the dinner this coming Saturday. And finally found my driver adi !!! not driver perhaps, so evil of me, ho ho...my pre-date! i just feel bad, or is it the club that is rather absurd. now i am feeling guilty of disturbing people. But, as usual, when the guilt sinks..the devil arises. NYEHEHE!

woohoo..can't wait!!!



JLS Cultural Night :( - mck dancing..aiya..

Outrecs Paintball :( :( :( :( -why inform me so late???


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