/* Editor is LUM MI-FERN --- My Grotesque Caricature*/

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Maybe today I got too tired to think and made quite a few incapable mistakes, in the sense of words and actions. Well, is it wrong to not know something? Or how cruel are you to give me a spontaneity exposure... Sorry, sorry for the stupid answers and mistakes. Those were really like..engineered to be elliptically stupefied. Can I talk with sense the next time?

Another day where I would sit in front of the monitor and daydream the usual, yet another sms, lifted me up high to the sky when I was so down on earth, as in, really deep.

Thanks for the 4 person who made my night. It was second best after football. Sometimes, football alone could do good (what I do at home), sleeping-over in the hall and with dad around. Then, the next morning, misses school or go to school for the post-mortems of the matches and bettings. No more liao uh.. But tonight, now here, without TV, dragging mood, and with crowded people is actually cool. Got a few keys of ‘happy-go-lucky’ from people and I am glad those are those. Today was really a tired one eventhough I missed training yesterday. Looks like haveta build my stamina back. Where is the old me? Great, and I had double supper tonight and double movies. Is this the new me? I think it’s the new physical me.

See, gonna get scolded and nagged very very soon. Help me learn to take care of myself. Decreaseeee my mistakes. Life is good, definitely, it’s a weekend, I am tired but still, goodddd..Love today for..it is a day to be loved. Everyone, have some love :D


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