/* Editor is LUM MI-FERN --- My Grotesque Caricature*/

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I want to strike, get up to some liberal idea and protest… What am I so lack of? The parades in the mall, licking creamy icicles down the avenue and having evening cakes at cafés… I WANNA GO SHOPPING!!! The level of desperation is so high, it equals stucked-in-the toilet bowl kinda situation. Wanna let go all of my projects, exams and assignments..can I can I can I ???? It’s so tempting…it’s MEGASALES.. and I’ve not touch any cloth any soon.. and I hate those who dated me for shopping!!! Coz I can’t unleash at all!!!! F*** ARRRR!!!! Least, I still have a consolation, hit the club last weekend with friends… but the dose is a-dosage-no-enough!

I’m just frustrated with my tutorials actually… and so I just wanna swear swear swear!

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