/* Editor is LUM MI-FERN --- My Grotesque Caricature*/

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sunnie-Day...waiting for early dinner..

**hee..my cutie babi doll with bombie and evil-hallo-pomqueen :P

Boring day with COA notes all over....but my eyes are everywhere nonethelessly..wahaha..while waiting for my early vegetarian meal presently, wanna introduce my babi-doll (one of my favourite item) which was quite a belated birthday present and some kinda rejected item too from the previous owner :P Nonethelessly again, love it..wakakaka..

literature enlightenment? o..oh..a...

Where did all the words went? What happened to those charred criticizes which are imaginatively deluding? As if I was hallucinating, the day was painted colourfully undefined as it is, being optimized as the most fortunate, being obsolete by the blind. If you’re ’trying’ to be a positivist, you’d garbage the worse and worst. Then came the garbage collector who asked what you threw away. I answered,”Just something not mine? I guess” and with ignorance, he walked so gaiety off with the something not yours.

For a second torment, what made him did that? He just smiled at your rubbish??!! Try refreshing and not only ‘try’ to become, but be one. And No, I wasn’t hallucinating..it was some scene that could possibly happen anytime.


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