/* Editor is LUM MI-FERN --- My Grotesque Caricature*/

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Is this really Sweet Escape?

When there are people treating you too sweet nice, protecting you behind scenes and staining only none other than goodwill, it is not always a good thing though. I’ll go deaf by fiery words, blinded by the white angelic light and worse of all, so vulnerable when all problems come surface. I know it will always be there…but should I set a limit to all these? I felt I debt in you, I can’t repay you in any extend but I know it will end, and so does everything else where when the day comes.

And so I named you my guardian angel after all these years. How many post am I gonna post out since they are all your good deeds? I thought I am supposed to hide them, well, to commemorate some won’t hurt much I guess. You should not spoil me, seriously cos I’m a good kid.

*blastin` GundamSeedDestiny ost on da headphones*


  • There's still nice ppl in this world, purely nice --> ME!! haha. LOL.

    By Blogger thensiujing, At 21:27  

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