/* Editor is LUM MI-FERN --- My Grotesque Caricature*/

Friday, May 11, 2007

Chris Daughtry-Home

And so it accumulates. It started during the late evenings when I use to stare out the grease sky, but today it felt different, I just laid on my left arms, head tilted, just stared. Today this feel ruled me out, got busted. I could explode into red fire balls and joined the evening set, least, to let the daylight continued burning. I didn't want the sky to be dark too soon. I wanted things I can't reach for, example, the midnight stars. They keep me awake and yet, hum me to bed mostly each and every night. Not that when the sad moon takes over, and smirk me this pale sorrow, and so, I'll tell myself, tomorrow will be a better day. Could I hold all these together and say, "I'll be standing wherever I will be."

I watched the sun go down on me
As my feet sowed into the sandy waters
I feel numb
and it kept drowning


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