/* Editor is LUM MI-FERN --- My Grotesque Caricature*/

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Will the change do you?

5th Nov 2008: Obama Barack is Mr President of the United States of America.

"Change the world for a better place".

One key word of almost EVERY politician would be CHANGE. Easier said than done. Now that he has two middle-east wars, a nuclear situation and a heap of economic mess to clean up, do you think he is up for those? Besides, he wants the best for the welfare of Americans in terms of health, home and future. These promises are too ideal to be true. Yes, a change would be good, but, for everything in 4 years by the Democrats? It's ambitious.

We always have so much in mind, the list and everything we wanted to do. But how many did we successfully accomplished? Everytime we write down, we feel confident, motivated, that is thus, we are still jotting or it's just a mindful ambition. Well, i do not mean Mr. President is a NATO (No Action Talk Only), rather, just take a look down the road and observe, and too, learn. I urge people to be realistic enough to differentiate words and action. The world is misleading enough by propaganda, the root of words. As always, disappointment always sets in at the end of the day. Yes, we do love to live in dreams, as they are perfectly perceived, and things work how we desired it to be. But in reality, THERE IS NO SUCH THING. Bear in mind that to be cautious is to safeguard ourselves and not anybody, in short, think before believing.

Dreams are sweet to live by, but everyday as the sun rises, we know it's reality but yet deny, and rather believed in fallacy.


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