/* Editor is LUM MI-FERN --- My Grotesque Caricature*/

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Quotes of the summer June

Wanna share some quotes to run the weekdays more efficiently:

German: Wie war der thor, wer weiser, wer bettler oder kaiser?
Translated: Who was the fool, Who was the wise man, the beggar or the king?
-the German chapter by D.C. Gilman of D.50- 
from the book, Who Really Runs the World? by Thom Burnett  & Alex Games

Latin: Jacta Alea Est!
Translated: The die is cast
 -Julius Caesar-
Annotation : He had crossed the river, and there was no going back. He was at war with Pompey and the Senate of Rome. 

Compose me a song
In your deluded self all night long
Why transcend me this heaven and hell
Instance of a fiery intensed spell
Watching me, watching you
Shall we begin this serenade in a cue..
-Lum Mi-Fern- 


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