/* Editor is LUM MI-FERN --- My Grotesque Caricature*/

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The thinning time

Some things you can't feel it no more. Instance of a display overlooking retail items, but locked by the clear cut glass. As we lived, as I lived, a quarter of life ever since, life has gotten more of a taxi than a private vehicle. You take in people, you take them out, just as quick. We don't spend time understanding each other, stop for a moment and learn appreciating another. We do not get to know anymore.

When the path becomes narrower, do we tend to hinder or perpetuate?

I realized i came from a faraway place differing so much more, in terms of people, place and culture. Then we grow and differentiate, and i have become what i am today. I feel depreciative for those who do not appreciate differences. But i feel good, instance of quenching my questions on life exploration, just like the burp after a satisfying meal, knowing the difference. Slow i may be, but be it a treasure item. Being different is what makes us unique, isn't it? If one day, you feel trapped in the middle and can't be what's not, what should you do? Do as the Romans do or keep the old habit dies hard?


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