/* Editor is LUM MI-FERN --- My Grotesque Caricature*/

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I'm getting interested on business politics -- too much revolution readings argh >"<

Business is just getting interesting. Considering now at a momentary rest point, after going through a hell of turbulence...finally achievements and subsequent expectations are, too, momentarily subdued.. only thinking..when will again this road of mine diverge again..

Isn't it ironic? It is just funny living off two countries, distance too near to be true, yet, contrasting so vast. Home land is asking the people to pay RM50 tax per credit card.. while here in the land of 'less-freedom' ..banks are calling up individually, considering they really invest a lot a lot in service and interpersonal issues...offering us, least, the employed taking up free credit cards, as many as you wished, with overdrafts ever ready for you. No matter how you showed your temperament weather, they shelter and cushion it well to achieve the ultimate persuasion. Although you might give them a piece of your vocal overdue cheese cake, they persevere and end the conversation with a surmount politeness, i.e. 'thank you very much for your precious time'. I transcend, perhaps employees here just needed to abide to customers or potential customers to maintain their broth providing wages in bad terms like this. And our dearest Prime Minister, Encik Najib binti bla bla is ushering the people aloud stressing that RM50 is not a problem. Let's say since you are the tunggak of tanahair, why not just YOU try sponsoring us first for the first few rounds? To show that, you walk ahead, and the people will follow you closely behind??

No, it is not a small issue when puny stuff like that is obliviously illogical imprudence. Where did those heartfelt forefathers went? It is essential necessary to speak up especially we are the crucial users all these years. Why make things more difficult and not better? The education system is ruined, lucky that a few have survived. Corruption is as simple as buying my boss a cup of coffee. No to mention about the many many many other uncountable misleading decisions....

Also, on the bright side, thanks to you we have learned the act to take care of our own asses. We have unconsciously developed unity WITHOUT any hand from you, the stinky government. We know how to help each other through bad times, treasure priceless happiness and matured accordingly with harsh situations.

Why is it that when we already have the best of things in life, you would like to irritate and destroy our so-called perfect life that we have perceived?


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