Hi February 2010
Time is really quick and it doesn't give a damn about a thing. Well, hopefully it will slow down a little as Chinese New Year arrives.. ^_^
Anyway, reading my CLEO leftovers on internal body fat and career coaching, almost missed these great articles way back. I was also reading about an interview posted out by jj.. though we really crossed opinions, but the excerpt was an eye opener to amateurs like me about world leaders.. Now let's see where's the link.. Yeah, I would like to coincide with a laughter phrase some gila old woman sent me recently..
Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.
~Ronald Reagan
You might not get it for the first time, if yes then you have the credits. Maybe you would like to google for 'world's oldest profession' to get a better understanding..
I forced this to be a stay-in weekend. Too much bullshit party and work since when. Well, it was nice to sleep at 10pm and woke up at 8am though, enough, early and plenty of time. Perhaps a little discipline won't kill. The crude badminton sessions got my old joints cranking, but sports always feel darn good.
January was all that ground work, exams, meeting a lot a lot of people till you get tired, work, work, work and surprisingly each day passed with more meaning instead of those dying days. February will be a place to rip the ripen fruits. It is really overwhelming and I've really got nothing to say.. I just need to be frank and keep my fingers crossed. I mean.. I am looking at this, people around me are looking at it too.. and i anticipate their expression.. and my own feelings as well.. I wonder how would it hit me?
I am really looking forward to be home as always, get to drive, eat and sleep like a pig. It's a week plus more and it's getting exciting!! and gonna hug that canny pup of mine!!!!!