/* Editor is LUM MI-FERN --- My Grotesque Caricature*/

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Finally have some time

Hi dearest bloggy,

I know that my blog has been rather lengthy, most probably a lot of things running in my mind but difficult to be conveyed in a comfortable manner.. and it has been less pictures ever since.. due to end of university life, less sparks, more routine, blah blah.. and i don't want to show you my overweight face here :P but i know all of you reading this could not love me less.

The temptation is high, feeling rather stoical tonight brings numbness and peace. These are the golden years. If you don't suffer now, when will you? I taste the sweet among bitter, I see what I haven't seen before and feel very multidirectional. How much could we remember after this?

If you think you are having a hard time...

Think war zones, where people could hardly keep themselves alive
Think of countries where food is so limited, people eat to live..not live to eat
Think of orphans who does not have a family at all..
Think of the less fortunates who need helping tools to walk, to hear and to live..

Think of all the things that you have....
Think of all the things that other's don't have...

Gah.. we should live on.. despite which direction, where ever I will be in time to come and be with the people that I would belong to..

WORRY? Succumb to it, worry it. Do not prevent from worrying, it will only cause suffocation. Worries never cease but they are like passerbys.. you'll never recall nor remember each that has walked through..

Missing it, missing it so so much.. tell them, tell him.. It feels good.. no regrets. And you'll know the answer..

Read Yasmin Ahmad's blog today, totally blown away. Feeling to rewind and become an artist instead.. haha.. Am I easily inspired, influenced and blended into? I guess I shall grab a cuppa and continue reading.. the night is young and saturday could not feel any less great in its ways... :)

Remember to go home this chinese new year ^_^


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